Friday, December 20, 2019

Physical Education The Forgotten Nation Essay - 809 Words

Physical Education: The Forgotten Nation Across the nation, fundamental subjects such as mathematics, science, and history are mandatory in the education system starting from the elementary level. These subjects are taught in aiding students’ understanding about the world they live in. However, subjects particularly physical education is viewed as unnecessary. Physical education is unquestionably required as it creates well prepared students ready to face the future. In order to achieve this, administrators must stress the importance of physical activity within the goals of physical education programs. By doing this, physical activity can lead to improvements in the students’ health, academic performance, self-esteem and mental health. Physical activity is beneficial for a variety of problems. Importantly, an increase of physical activity can promote good health. Although it may seem trivial to not worry about health during childhood, doing so can lead to a healt hier future. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, physical activity can lower the chance of having illnesses like cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. In young individuals, physical activity supports healthy bone, muscle and psychological development. To reap these benefits, schools should provide a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity ranging from moderate to vigorous during each school day (Koplan, Liverman, Kraak). Providing statistical data for the UnitedShow MoreRelatedSpeech On Furthering Our Nation1157 Words   |  5 Pages 28 November 2016 Furthering Our Nation I.Introduction The current generation is disrespectful, entitled, and has forgotten the journey America has taken to become the beautiful nation it is today. When walking around the country, often taken for granted are all the advantages and freedoms America is blessed with. What is forgotten is who allows citizens of this great country to live a free and fortunate lifestyle. 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